• Be brutal with the decluttering. Ask yourself, “Am I willing to pay someone to move this?” Ask yourself this question even if you’re not using professional movers. Your time/effort/energy also has monetary value.
• Do not use black plastic garbage bags. One of them will end up in the trash. Probably the one with your favorite sweater. Use white if you must and label in large letters with a Sharpie what the contents are.
• Pack a “first day” bag that should have sheets, a towel, toiletries, change of clothes, prescriptions, and your cell phone charger. When you are exhausted at the end of the day, at least you can shower and sleep.
• Have a basic floor plan in mind. You may wind up moving things, but try to place the heavy things at least in the general area you want them to be. No need to move that armoire if you’ve already paid someone to deliver it.
• Get a detailed quote from your moving company to know in advance what is and isn’t included. Travel time and moving materials (mattress bags, for instance) are usually additional. And try to get a referral from a friend to find your moving company.